Tag: low carb diet

Chocolate for diabetics

Other than as a hyposnack, candy is off the menu for diabetics. Chocolate is not, as long as it’s dark enough. We’ve been having chocolate since the dawn of civilization. Already in 1900 BC the Olmecs in what is modern Mexico were making chocolate beverages.

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Diabetes before insulin

We first got insulin in 1921. Before that type 1 diabetes was pretty much a death sentence within six months. It’s an old disease. The earliest descriptions exist on Egyptian papyrus from 1500 BC. In 600 BC Hindu physician Sushruta wrote about a disease of honey urine, which was diagnosed by tasting the urine or…
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Beer is liquid bread

I don’t like to pass judgment, but when I see other diabetics drink beer I cringe. You might as well be drinking coke. As my endocrinologist put it: The only thing that’s worse for diabetics than sugar is beer. She should know, the Czech Republic drinks more beer…
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Dosing insulin for protein

In the absence of carbohydrates in the meal, the liver turns to gluconeogenesis – the process of converting protein to glucose. I eat up to 30g of carbohydrates with every meal, and I always have to dose insulin for the protein…
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Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution

This is a great diet book. It was released in 1992, as an updated version to the 1972 original, and can easily be read today. The body hasn’t changed that much. The focus not only on weight loss but also weight maintenance, which is often forgotten…
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The last avocado

Like many of us, I lost my job in the pandemic. My unemployment payments, which consist of 40 percent of my income, have made it hard to keep myself in blueberries. The sudden tightening of funds led to some radical substitutions in my daily eating habits. Bye-bye raspberries, hello giant cabbage head is one of…
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Book Review: The Diet Delusion

Science journalist Gary Taubes makes a convincing case for why you should eat fewer carbs and more fat in this brick-sized book on 20th-century nutrition. Whereas I can’t verify his 70 pages of sources he makes so much sense that I believe him…

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Most Googled Diets

Every year Google releases statistics of what people have searched the most for. As I looked through the lists I realized that I had no idea who most of the people on there were, but on the diet front I was up to date. A sign of getting old perhaps? Google processes 40,000 search queries…
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