
Low carb living with type 1 diabetes

Global Junk Food

There’s a good documentary on YouTube about how western food companies are making people in poorer countries fatter. It’s called Global Junk Food and opens up in India, a potentially massive market for fast food restaurants with 1.3 billion people. While some Indians are still suffering from malnutrition, there’s a budding obesity epidemic amongst the…
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Playing the blame game

The last time I spoke to my grandmother, she asked me what I used to drink during the heat waves in Cyprus. I told her: soda. Lots and lots of soda. This was years before I developed diabetes and could still have sugar. My granny then suggested that perhaps my soda drinking while living in…
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No, you can’t live forever

The $110 billion anti-aging industry may be a lost cause. A new study suggests that it’s impossible to stop or even reverse the aging process. It challenges the ideas in the groundbreaking book Lifespan with cellular programming as the next frontier in aging research. The study, an international collaboration that includes scientists from the University…
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The four T’s of diabetes

When it comes to diabetes, there are four things that begin with T to look out for. They are toilet, thirsty, tired, and thinner. I wish I would have been aware of these before my diagnosis. I was constantly running to the bathroom but put it down to old age as I’d joined the wrong…
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Diabetes in the Pacific

Obesity and diabetes are common amongst pacific islanders. In Nauru, which scores the highest, 94,5% of adults are overweight, and 71.7% are obese with a BMI above 30. Forty percent of the adult population has type 2 diabetes. How did this happen? Nauru is a small island in Micronesia rich in phosphate deposits. After the…
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Up and down on keto

I’ve been following the keto diet for two years now. When I first started, I lost eight kilos without really trying. I moved around a lot working in a busy bar, and the kilos fell off. My diet consisted of a breakfast omelette with cheese. For lunch and dinner, I had vegetables and meat –…
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Blood sugar control in decline

While the tools for monitoring blood sugar get better and the insulins act faster, there’s a worrying trend. Blood sugar control is not improving in America. In fact, it’s going the opposite way. A new major study from researchers at Johns Hopkins shows that blood sugar control is in decline. The study found that while…
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Eight days below eight

Eight mmol/l is a healthy cut-off point for your blood sugar after meals if you inject insulin. I shoot for seven mmol/l in my below seven experiments, but I am aware that it’s a strict target. Also, I’m not always successful. The NICE guidelines for post-meal readings go all the way up to nine mmol/l…
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Low carb snacks

Every time I steal a few crisps from the bear, thinking I’ll get away with it, the results are the same. Blood sugar shoots up unless I have bolus insulin on board. He says it’s just what I deserve for pinching his snacks. What’s certain is that type 1 diabetes is very unforgiving when it…
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Experimenting with exercise

It’s finally happened. After procrastinating for ages, I put on my fake Nikes and went out jogging. Those pandemic pounds have to go. Also, I’m in the market of living forever after reading David Sinclair’s book on the topic. And with cellular programming far away on the horizon, going for a run seems to be…
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