Month: September 2020

Beer is liquid bread

I don’t like to pass judgment, but when I see other diabetics drink beer I cringe. You might as well be drinking coke. As my endocrinologist put it: The only thing that’s worse for diabetics than sugar is beer. She should know, the Czech Republic drinks more beer…
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Living with a chronic disease

The start of diabetes is rough. They send you home from the hospital with insulin pens and a crash course in carb counting. Congratulations, now you can kill yourself with this very potent hormone. It’s terrifying. Consulting Dr. Google, you learn about diabetic complications. Dead in bed syndrome…

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The 7.2kg baby

The other night I had dinner at my friend’s house who’s a doctor. Present were many other doctors. In fact, I was the only non-doctor at the table. Doctors often marry doctors, and they tend to socialize with other doctors. I spent a couple of years in med school, and I could spot this trend…
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The best treatment for hypoglycemia

My mood is the worst when my blood sugar swings. The vicious circle to be avoided is to go low, overtreat the hypo, and be forced to inject insulin again to get your blood sugar into range. This is best done by treating hypoglycemia as a medical emergency, and not an opportunity to eat the…
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